Borum Family Health Clinic
Phone: 601-442-0200
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Meet Charles Borum, MD Erica Perkins, Licensed Practical Nurse
Erica Williams, LPN, Certified Nutritionist
Meet Sarah Gousset N.P Charla Wurster Knapp NP-BC
Family Medicine or Family Practice is a medical specialty within primary care that provides continuing and comprehensive health care for the family and individuals, young and old, male and female. Family Physicians are trained to treat a wide variety of diseases involving all parts of the body. Family Medicine also focuses on preventive health care. Family Medicine Nurse Practitioners are trained to provide this type of medical care while collaborating with a Family Physician Specialist.
Clinic Hours: 9am-4pm Monday-Thursday and 9am-noon on Friday (Closed 12-1 and on Holidays)
131 Jefferson Davis Blvd. Suite F Natchez, Mississippi 39120